Blackberries: More Than Just Raspberry’s Relative

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Blackberries are an aggregate fruit belonging to the Rosaceae family, which includes other popular fruits such as strawberries, raspberries, and apples. They are known for their sweet, juicy flavor and are commonly used in various dishes, including pies, jams, and smoothies. In addition to being delicious, blackberries are packed with nutrients and offer a range of health benefits.

What is a Blackberry?

Blackberry is a fruit belonging to the Rosaceae family’s Rubus genus. It is a drupe fruit, which means it has a fleshy outer layer surrounding a hard pit that contains the seeds. Blackberry bushes are known as brambles due to their thorny vines that grow in dense, tangled bushes.

The blackberry plant is native to Europe, but now it is grown in many parts of the world, including North and South America, Asia, and Africa. Other common names for blackberries include dewberry, thimbleberry, and boysenberry.

Blackberries are small, dark purple to black. Unlike blueberries, they are made up of many small, juicy drupelets arranged in a circular pattern. Each fruit is round and plump, with a shiny surface.

The flavor of blackberries is sweet and slightly tart, with a distinctive earthy and musky taste. They are also somewhat tangy and have a pleasant, juicy texture.

You can eat blackberries raw, add them to desserts, or use them in jams, jellies, and sauces. They are also used to produce wines, liqueurs, and other beverages.

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Fully ripened blackberries retain a dark hue, while unripe fruits are pale.

The History of Blackberries

Blackberries grow naturally in various parts of the world, including Asia, Europe, and North and South America. When people started using the land in North America for farming, the native blackberries started to spread and mix with other varieties. In the mid-1800s, people began to grow blackberries on purpose.

Nowadays, the United States is a significant producer of blackberries, with most coming from Oregon. 

The U.S. also imports a lot of blackberries from other countries, particularly Mexico for fresh berries and Chile for frozen berries – over 130 million pounds of fresh blackberries and over 24 million pounds of frozen blackberries.

What Does a Blackberry Taste Like?

Blackberries are typically juicy and sweet with a slightly tart flavor. When eaten raw, they have a soft yet firm texture and are often described as having a similar taste to raspberries but with a slightly more complex flavor profile.

The flavor can vary depending on the ripeness of the fruit, with fully ripe blackberries being the sweetest.

When cooked, blackberries can have a more jam-like consistency with a slightly sweeter and more concentrated flavor. They are often used in desserts such as pies, crumbles, and jams, as well as in savory dishes like sauces for meats. Cooking can also help to bring out some of the more subtle flavors in the fruit.

How to Tell When Blackberries Are Ripe

Blackberries typically ripen during summer, with peak harvest season varying by location.

Here are some tips on how to tell when blackberries are ripe:

ColorRipe blackberries are usually a deep, dark shade of black with a glossy sheen. Avoid red or purple berries, as they are not yet fully ripe.
TextureRipe blackberries should be plump, juicy, and tender. Press on the berry; it should yield slightly without being too soft or mushy.
TasteThe most reliable way to tell if a blackberry is ripe is to taste it. A ripe blackberry should be sweet and flavorful, with a slight tartness.
MoldAvoid blackberries with mold, soft spots, or deterioration. These can indicate that the fruit is overripe or damaged.
SmellRipe blackberries have a sweet, fragrant aroma. If the berries have little to no scent, they may not be fully ripe or have been picked too early.

Are Raspberries and Blackberries Related?

Yes, raspberries and blackberries are members of the same plant family called Rosaceae. They are also aggregate fruits composed of many small individual fruits called drupelets.

However, there are several differences between the two fruits:

AppearanceRaspberries are typically smaller and rounder than blackberries, and they are red, while blackberries are usually larger and more oblong and have a dark purple-black color.
TasteRaspberries have a sweeter and more delicate flavor than blackberries, which are generally tart and slightly bitter.
HarvestingRaspberries tend to be more fragile and delicate, making them more difficult to harvest and transport than blackberries, which are sturdier and easier to handle.
Growing HabitsRaspberries grow on canes with a two-year lifespan, while blackberries grow on biennial canes with a two-year lifespan. Raspberries are also generally more prone to diseases than blackberries.

Cooking with Blackberries

Blackberries are versatile fruit used in many sweet and savory dishes. They are typically cooked by either baking, boiling, or simmering, depending on the recipe. Blackberries can be used in everything from cakes and pies to sauces and jams.

You can find blackberries in various dishes worldwide. For example, you can see them in American desserts like pies and cobblers.

In French cuisine, blackberries are used in tarts and sauces. In British cuisine, they can be used in desserts and as a topping for porridge. 

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Blackberry crumble is a popular British dessert that perfectly highlights the sweetness of the fruit.

Here are a few examples of specific dishes that use blackberries:

Blackberry Cobbler: This classic American dessert is made with fresh blackberries baked with a biscuit-like topping.

Blackberry Jam: This ridiculously easy-to-make sweet and tangy jam is perfect for spreading on toast or filling cakes and pastries.

Blackberry and Apple Crumble: This British dessert combines sweet blackberries with tart apples and a crumbly topping.

Blackberry bread pudding: The blackberry bread pudding is a decadent, dense, satisfying treat perfect for breakfast or dessert. It’s not too sweet, but it has a delicious hint of cinnamon to give it some warmth.

Berry chia pudding: The chia pudding is light, refreshing, and filling enough to satisfy you.

How to Store Blackberries

There is a proper way to store blackberries to ensure that they stay fresh for as long as possible.

In the fridge: To store blackberries in the refrigerator, use a vented container lined with a paper towel and store them in a low-humidity part. Only wash them when ready to use. They can last 2-3 days until they turn moldy.

In the freezer: To freeze blackberries, wash them and lay them in a single layer on paper towels to air dry. Flash freeze on a baking sheet for three hours, then transfer them to a freezer bag or container. They can last up to 9 months stored this way.

Nutritional Benefits of Blackberries

Blackberries are more than just a delicious summer fruit; they also contain many phytochemicals, including polyphenols, flavonoids, and anthocyanins – and they’re low in carbohydrates.

They are an excellent source of vitamin C. This powerful antioxidant helps prevent oxidative stress and reduce the risk of chronic diseases, maintaining healthy bones, levels, connective tissue, and blood vessels. The high fiber content in blackberries can help promote regular bowel movements and reduce the risk of digestive problems and heart disease.

Blackberries are a great source of vitamin K, which is essential for blood clotting and bone metabolism. Blackberries are also high in manganese, which is vital in bone development, immune function, and osteoporosis risk.

Thanks to its many other antioxidants, they can help protect the body from cardiovascular disease and lower cholesterol, as well as help improve brain function.

Where to Purchase Blackberries

Grocery stores usually carry fresh blackberries during the summer, while frozen blackberries can be found year-round in the frozen foods section.

Blackberries are typically available during the summer months, from June to August in the Northern Hemisphere and from December to February in the Southern Hemisphere.

Specialty stores, such as gourmet or health food, may carry fresh or frozen blackberries, jams, jellies, and syrups. Farmers’ markets are also great places to find fresh blackberries in the summer, often grown by local farmers.


Alexandra is a passionate writer who reveres exploring exotic fruit from far-off lands. While she’d like to one day live in a tropical paradise, she reserves that for her palate for now: from the tartness of the tamarind to the sweetness of the mangosteen. She invites others to join her on this journey of discovery, where every fruit is a new adventure.

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